So kat sini je da nampak da betapa manusia nie kurang bersyukur ngan apa yang Allah bg. Betul x. Even aku sndr pn kekadang merungut...sebab pe..sebab rasa kurang selesa. Bila Allah trnkn hujan selalu merungut x leh kuar umah laa, pyh nk pi keje laa, macam2 laa. Bila tak diturunkan hujan merungut lagi. Panas sangat laa, ape laa, rasa cam terbakar laa, itu ini ayat rungutan yg keluar. Padahal bila kita merungut tue kita tengah merungut apa yg Allah bagi kat kita. Dah laa tak bersyukur, merungut lak 2. Isy..teruknya kita nih...kta mementingkan keselesaan di dunia je tp x pikir keselesaan kat akhirat nanti. Cam ne laa nnt bila dihisab. Mesti ditayangkan jugak betapa kita nie sangat laa banyak merungut dan kurang bersyukur.
So sebab panas nih aku nak kongsi satu video klip dr Native Deen...lagu tajuk Rain Song...aku suke lagu dy mnnjkkn betapa kita nie perlu sentiasa bersyukur atas segala pemberian & andai diuji dengan musibah tetap bersyukur & jangan putus berdoa kepada Allah s.w.t.
Kat bawah nie lirik dy
Steps out side, into the scorching heat
The well is dry, the children cry
And the lands they claim defeat
Oh my father, is it evil that we’ve done
He smiles at the child with faith in his eyes
Inshallah the rains will come
This I know, his mercy must be won
Just open your heart, this is the start
Inshallah the rains will come
On him I swear, his will must be done
Like tears from your eyes, pearls from the skies
Inshallah the rains will come
Father gathers, the people for their eyes to see
That if they combine their hearts and their minds
They will turn the deserts green
Side by side, they stand in the burning heat
They pray to the one that brought them the sun
To make the heavens weep
This I know, his mercy must be won
Just open your heart, this is the start
Inshallah the rains will come
On him I swear, his will must be done
Like tears from your eyes, pearls from the skies
Inshallah the rains will come
Like tears from your eyes, pearls from the skies
Inshallah the rains will come
Will come…. Shower your mercy and wash away the sun
Will come…. Pour down your blessings until the drought is gone
Will come…. Soak up our tears and let the rivers run
Will come…. Please answer your servants, Allah almighty one
This I know, his mercy must be won
Just open your heart, this is the start
Thank God that the rains have come
On him I swear, his will has been done
He dried the tears from our eyes, pearls from skies
Thank God that the rains have come
He dried the tears from our eyes, pearls from the skies
Thank God that the rains have come
mmg pnas tol..
skang kn msia mgalami cuaca pnas kring.. lam brita kta, dr jun smpi sptmber..
so sabar la ek.. tmbh lg wktu posa.. ujian utk kita..
from abu huzaifah
aku org prtama komen
arip yg ngade2 suh
aku komen senanye.
2 la mnusia.
ble dpt nikmat ayt "bestnye"
mndahului Alhamdulillah.
ble dpt ssah ayt keluhan
mndahului ayt Innalillah.
mcm x brsyukur.
ptg td bnjir kt rmh aku.
1st tyme bnjir lpas ujan.
mngkin longkang trsumbat kot.
1st smpai rmh sonok gler.bleh
main air.tetiba aku jd bdk.hoho..
pas2 lps bnjr surut trpkse brsihkn lumpur kt dapur.hbis trblik tong gas.tong beras pnggn mngkuk.
pointnye aku brsyukur dpt main rse x best kne brsh lumpur.mnusia ssh nk syukur wlupun stiap kjdian ade hikmatny.
ayoo pnjgnye
oh da ade org komen
rpenye.lmbt sngt aku taip
bilik2 kat umah ak dh cam sauna dah..
duk baring2 bce buku pun dh peluh2
tp xpe..
hujan akan lebih dihargai
lgpun, kte duk msia.. haha~
aha btol laa...
firstly malaysia skarang nie tgh panas sesgt
secondly yg pasal manusia cpt merungut n x bersyukur tu
kt just kene bear with it
n wat cam biase jew...
:)just have faith :)
aisha dok dlm sauna?
baguih pa..
xgaduh nak pi spa
inilah manusia
xpernah cukup dgn ape yg ada
kita cepat tersedar
dr keluhan
pagi ni hujan lebat kat kepala batas ni...
hujan rahmat di pagi selasa...
a'ah, mmg panas. dah lame xnmpak hujan.. tp, baru td kat skolah mse exam, hujan turun. alhamdulillah, sejuk sikit..
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